According to Time, “88% of the interns who worked with The Intern Group had employment within 3 months of completing the program”. At the end of the day, we all are working and studying so that we can get that job and settle for good. If an international internship will guarantee you more than a local one why not try it? You will have an opportunity to explore different cultures at the same time networking with people around which will ultimately assist you in your future goals.
Boost your experience with global involvement. We are in a world, where everything is highly competitive. An individual with only a mere qualification and degree will not land him/her in the position, he/she has always envisaged about. With international internship, students and graduates across the world have an opportunity to explore different industry sectors-from finance internship to marketing internship with reputable and exciting business startups. You will have the opportunity for an extensive networks across the creative industries as well. Working with leading local companies as well as top international companies around the world will put you aside from the market.
We are living in a century where more the education and experience, companies value your flexibility, adaptability, networking skills and how you cross your boundaries. For you to prove your worth to that company, a simple local internship will not help. Working with international companies will give that platform to not only work but also experience the ethos you have never seen. Adapting in a culture outside your comfort zone is what will further enhance your horizon.
Life is all about adventures and challenges. The more you get those encounters the more success you will attain. So, yes to know your true potential you have to get outside your area and explore something people only talk about. Be a person who explores and be that adventurous person you always thought you were.