The German Institute for Small and Medium Enterprises (DIKMU) is a leading research and teaching institution for small and medium-sized businesses. It is highly reputed in the world as a model for producing reliable and long-term oriented companies. As the entire world looks to German companies for their management abilities, the DIKMU launched a certificate for international companies in 2019/20.
The certificate “Certified Entrepreneur— to German Standards” or “CE2GS” is a benchmark of quality for small and medium-sized companies. The certificate is awarded to companies at the fulfilment of the criteria set forth by the DIKMU. Similar to other quality management systems, it is a way to ensure the quality of a company and the standard of their work. A top-notch management system is a must for companies that hope to be certified.
German enterprises are highly regarded at the international level, so, having a certification that verifies the quality of your enterprise can be very helpful in the long run. The validity that comes with such a certification can take your company to great heights. It gives you and your company the credibility it needs to thrive in the market. Future deals with international companies are easier because this certification makes a statement that your company upholds an internationally acclaimed standard and consequently is trustworthy.
Mr Roshan Shrestha is now a reputed accredited reviewer for the certificate CE2GS owing to his extensive background and expertise in Quality Management Systems. This means he is now authorized to evaluate different companies under the guidelines presented by the DIKMU and make a recommendation to the DIKMU. The institute then reviews the recommendation of the reviewer and will decide on certification. It is important to note that the DIKMU doesn’t make yes vs no decisions, rather, it can make the decision to certify the company under some conditions or even decide on a preliminary rejection of the certification regarding some criteria that need to be fulfilled before the certification is awarded.
If there is a gap in the management of the company or the training of employees, we will also provide the company training customized to its requirements for its improvement for successful certification. Our training will ensure that your company is on par with the German standard.
The certification of companies starts with the accredited reviewer. The reviewer is selected by the analysis of their CV, qualifications, past activities, as well as special and verifiable skills. After the reviewer is accredited, they can evaluate different companies for the certification. They will present their findings to the DIKMU which will then decide upon whether or not to award the certification upon further evaluation of the company. Initially, the certificate is awarded only temporarily for 5 years. On completion of 5 years, if the company has maintained its standards and guidelines, it can get the permanent DIKMU certification at a minimal cost.
The certificate is not only a testament to the quality of the company, but also a bridge between certification, consulting and training. The process of certification involves careful evaluation by the accredited reviewer as well as training for obtaining and maintaining the standard required for the certification. In addition to that, the company will be admitted to the “Club of Certified Entrepreneurs”, a network of all the certified companies for the exchange of knowledge on an international level. The network of enterprises that are certified serve to improve the overall landscape of the business world by facilitating the exchange of information on a large scale.