There is no doubt that this moment has been truly uncanny for everyone around the world!
Having a lack of resources like monetary, groceries, and accommodation in these hard times.
We are in the midst of extremely challenging times. To get through it, we need to acknowledge our emotions rather than bury them. Ups & downs in life are uncertain but the way you respond to that situation must be under control, you must be energetic, be creative and be more focused on making big steps forward in any such pandemic.
Sometimes the darkest times bring the greatest light. You should always be ready enough to take every bump in the road as an opportunity. Everything happens for a reason.
As the proverb says, “We do not have control over the events but we have control to respond to those events. Let’s have an attitude of gratitude.” – Mr. Joseph Niraula
Leveling up this 2020 might seem difficult but it’s not impossible. You have enough time in this quarantine. Look at this as an opportunity. Whatever you have procrastinated till today, do it now!
Does not need to do hard labor, just get out of your comfort zone and take a single pace at a time but remember no break!
So here we go, below are the few things that you can follow and make your dream come true!
- Eliminate and Remove all Negativity :
Literally, the best thing you can do in this 2020 is to remove all the negativity that you have been having in your life so far that Only have positive thoughts, it eventually can change your whole life. In order to have things that you want in your life, you need to change your mindset first, change the way you think, and the pattern you chose to do things. - Be Consistent :
Every time we hear about being consistent. So, what do you think, I mean what does consistency has to do with life? Well, do not underestimate it, Consistency is the key to everything! It plays a crucial role in one’s life and has the power to grab you from scratch and take you to the top billionaire’s list. It not only help you in creating better habits but also forces you to not give up and push you every single day.
Do Not Compare Yourself :
We are living in the era of Social media and Technology and we literally see everyone live on our phones, every single day. One thing you need to understand, everyone’s path is not the same and will remain different ever. So, let’s just get that off our head right now. Most people we see on social media or in the Internet posting their every next update doesn’t mean they are living their super luxurious lifestyle. The best thing to do is to focus on our self in our own life. - Keep Updating Yourself :
Keeping oneself updated is a life-long process that literally is never going to end if not forced. With a clear and updated mind, you will be more likely to move forward. It has been proven from time to time that people who are more aware and updated, tend to achieve their goals more effectively and easily. Keeping yourself updated might sound a bit difficult, so one thing you can do is keep a note pad with yourself and start noting down every single thing that you learn in a particular moment or even journalistic your regular task also helps for the beginners. - Pick Up a Book:
I also recommend cutting down on some screen time and opening your mind with a good book. You can always learn something from reading, even you will be able to switch to a new vocabulary word. E-readers make it even easier than ever to carry around the knowledge of the Universe while you travel, crawl up on the couch, or even if you are going to the bathroom. Maybe you do not have enough time to read the whole book, just take two minutes to get a recommendation from your friends, family members or any acquaintances, all it takes is a quick click your mind to queue up some books on your desk, it will lead you to more likely to read them. - Listen To a Ted Talks :
Maybe you prefer consuming, Inspirational with audios, so you can hop onto online on Youtube and learn from some great speakers in a variety of different fields. If you don’t know what to watch first, watch some ted talks if you have specific subjects that you wish to learn about, let it be psychology, you will probably be able to find a ted talk on it. If you are open to anything, you can really explore a whole world, where the different subjects will ted, from happiness to urban planning to biology and so on. It’s actually how many videos they have.
In fact, there are actually a couple of Colleges and Universities out there that literally record their entire lectures of the semester and upload them, if you know how to find them you are on the great platform!
Invest Wisely :
Learn about your surroundings, your nation, and the world regarding how it is going to get affected and on which sector by this Coronavirus. Most of the Businesses will be negatively affected there are few, that will survive because of it. A business that serves with the products and services to the general public like FMCG will be in high demand. Now, while people are losing work, there are parts of the economy that are giving us a glamor of hope in these hard times. So, be prepared and get your resources together to invest it wisely in those sectors that are more likely to survive in the coming days. - Get into Some Online Courses :
If you are someone who is seeking for some growth in your career or want to enhance your skills and knowledge for better future options. Then it’s a great opportunity to utilize your free time at this moment. There are plenty of valuable institutions that are providing various free online courses, probably more than you could even think. So guys, do not wait for the next moment because this may vanish at any time, do get your shit together and get into those courses that you always desired for. You will be earning all those certificates at free of cost which will definitely look good on your profile and will boost up your Skills and Knowledge.
In Conclusion, it is clear that you are the hero of your own destiny. The only place where you will be struggling hard is your own mind. First, try to win out of it, and when I say win, it means to take the control of your mind and direct it in the direction you want, do not let it take control over you!